Florida Telemarketer Offering GSA Work Files for Bankruptcy

Florida Telemarketer Offering GSA Work Files for Bankruptcy Source: Wall Street Journal, Bankruptcy Beat, Written by Katy Stech, April 17, 2015 A Florida telemarketing firm that the state’s consumer watchdog has called a scam filed for bankruptcy protection. Facing a … Continued

GSA Proposed Rule on Price Reporting Requirements

GSA proposes price reporting requirements for Schedule, GWAC and IDIQ contracts; public comment due May 4th By Chuck Schadl, Georgia Tech Procurement Assistance Center    March 9, 2015 The General Services Administration (GSA) issued a proposed rule on March 4, 2015 that responds … Continued

GSA Looking to Expand Impact

GSA Explores Ideas to Boost Market Share By Andy Medici, Federal   February 13, 2015 . The General Services Administration is exploring different ways to boost its contract spending market share and enhance its Multiple Awards Schedule program, according to … Continued

FedBid Splits and Brings In Joe Jordan

FedBid splits into two, names Jordan CEO of new public sector company By Jason Miller, Federal News Radio          January 20, 2015. FedBid is splitting off its federal sector from its commercial sector business. It has named Joe Jordan as the … Continued

GSA Administrator Resigns – What is his Legacy?

Did Tangherlini leave a positive mark on federal acquisition? Reviews are mixed. By Jill R. Aitoro, Washington Business Journal          January 15, 2015. The General Services Administration, in its summary of outgoing administrator Dan Tangherlini‘s accomplishments, points to more effective acquisitions. … Continued

GSA Seeking Greater Agility for IT Contracts

GSA wants to make it easier for agencies to buy agile By Jack Moore  for    January 8, 2015 Federal agencies are increasingly looking for ways to shake up the often sluggish process of buying information technology. And if … Continued

Where are Federal Contracting Dollars Spent?

The 10 Categories Where Federal Agencies Spend the Most on Contracting By Eric Katz, Government   January 8, 2015 For the last several months, the Obama administration has trumpeted its initiative to simplify the federal acquisition process. The main … Continued